Installations In accord with our usage and order, Delwyn Maas, who was called by Holy Cross congregation of Phoenix, Ariz. to be its pastor, was installed on December 6, 1998. –Pastor W. H. Fanning In… Announcements
Installations In accord with our usage and order, Delwyn Maas, who was called by Holy Cross congregation of Phoenix, Ariz. to be its pastor, was installed on December 6, 1998. –Pastor W. H. Fanning In… Announcements
How can Christmas be such a happy time for most but not for all people? Perhaps it is because–at least in our nation–customs surrounding the Christmas season bring to mind scenes of happiness. One might… The Light Of Life
“And He shall stand and feed in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God; and they shall abide: for now shall He be great unto the… Getting Beneath The Tinsel
“The Fullness Of Time” As happens frequently the editor must remind yours truly of the upcoming deadline for submission of an article. So in the beginning of November came the reminder that the Christmas article… A Christmas Message from our CLC President–
It’s become a tradition in our family to go out hunting in the woods for our Christmas tree. In specified areas of the Black Hills the Forest Service will let you cut down an evergreen… A CHRISTMAS TREE FOR BABY JESUS
Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful A Christmas Hymn #102 in The Lutheran Hymnal As familiar and well-loved as this hymn has become, there is surprisingly little known of its origin. The Latin poem “Adeste, Fideles”… Appreciating Our Lutheran Hymns
Daily Bible Readings 1999 The Spokesman extends hearty thanks to Pastor Roland H. Gurgel for these devotional readings for the coming year. The overall theme chosen for these readings is: “O sing unto the Lord.”… “O Sing Unto The Lord”
*OLD NEWS–BUT STILL GOOD NEWS (Paul R. Koch, taken from the Messiah, Eau Claire newsletter, the Messenger, Christmas issue, 1997) We suffer no shortage of access to news in our society–by papers, magazines, television, and… SMORGASBORD
“That We Might have Hope” (Rom. 15:4) Judges Chapters Two Through Seven Victorious Against Impossible Odds After the death of Joshua, the Israelites failed to get rid of all the heathen people in the Promised… LESSONS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT
Matthew 18:21-35 On Extravagance — And Its Lack You will never be sinned against by anyone the way in which you have sinned against God. No one will ever commit the number of sins against… Parables Of The Master