Everyone who sees can discern the relationship between light and shadow. The Germans had a saying: “Wo viel Licht, da viel Schatten.” That is, “Where the light is bright, the shadow is deep.” How true in the physical world! But what about the spiritual and moral? It seems the world is full of people of extremes. They can soar to great heights in their confessions and accomplishments, but also sink to great depths in their moral and spiritual failures.
Abraham was a bright light as he simply trusted in the Lord’s promises; so bright that the Lord counted it to him for righteousness; so bright he is called the father of all believers. But on occasion, he fell into the grim shadows of mistrust, impatience and fearful cowardice.
David was the great king of Israel, whose promised Son would be eternally greater. David was a man after God’s own heart. He authored many inspired and beautiful psalms, including Psalm 27, “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? . . . Though an army should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear . . . One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.” (verses 1,3,4) What beautiful, comforting words of light!

David before King Achish
But we also remember the deep shadows of adultery and murder. 1 Samuel 27 also relates a grim shadowy chapter in David’s life. In a crisis of faith and fearful of perishing at the hand of Saul, he fled into the land of the Philistines. Instead of praying for guidance, David himself decided what he would do. Instead of his God-given home, David sought refuge and alliance with his ungodly enemies. Instead of seeking the beauty of the Lord, David and his men utterly exterminated three local tribes and then lied about it by telling the king of Gath that he had attacked his own people of southern Judah. What grim and bloody shadows indeed.
What can one say except that this history was written for our instruction and self-reflection. Have we never been in situations where we made moral and spiritual decisions without first inquiring of the Lord? Have we never been so despondent that we seek counsel and wisdom from godless mouths? Do we always behold the Lord’s beauty, never neglecting our worship of Him? We confess the truth, yet we can lie and are readily tempted to compromise it for whatever reason. Are we always loving, and never cruel? O Lord, have mercy upon us!
David’s greater Son always prayed His Father for help and courage, was fearless when facing His enemies, never broke His commitment to redeem us, never lied, and never, ever compromised God’s truth. He always sought the beauty, the will, and the glory of His Father, and so redeemed us and paid for all our sin, including the deepest, blackest shadows of them. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
What does He now expect? He said, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16) Let us then adopt a new saying and action plan: Where the light is brightest, the shadow is dimmest! So help us shine, Lord Jesus.
Jesus, all our ransom paid, All Thy Father's will obeyed, By Thy suffering perfect made, Hear us, holy Jesus. Save us in our soul's distress, Be our Help to cheer and bless, While we grow in holiness, Hear us, holy Jesus. Brighten all our heavenward way, With an ever holier ray, Till we pass to perfect day: Hear us, holy Jesus. (TLH 185)

is a retired pastor. He lives in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.