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TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments

February 1 TLH 28 Psalm 9 David praises the Lord for His deliverance and for His just judgment. Mindful of the grace that the Lord has demonstrated toward us, we join David in this psalm of praise.

February 3 TLH 514 / LSB 765 Psalm 10 The psalmist wonders why injustice seems to prevail in this world. He calls on the Lord to intervene, trusting that the justice of the Lord will prevail in the end.

February 4 LSB 538 Psalm 11 The sovereignty of the Lord is comforting to those who are His children by faith in Christ, because He protects them from all harm and danger. However, the sovereignty of the Lord is terrifying to those who defy Him, because they are under His just wrath.

February 5 TLH 260 Psalm 12 The Lord judges the wicked and defends the faithful. Blessed are they who take refuge in Him.

February 6 TLH 266 Deuteronomy 19 Through Moses the Lord provides laws concerning cities of refuge, property boundaries, and witnesses.

February 7 LSB 777/778 Deuteronomy 20 Through Moses the Lord provides laws concerning warfare.

February 8 TLH 410 / LSB 718 Luke 5 Jesus calls Peter, James, and John to be His first disciples. Jesus cleanses a leper and heals a paralytic. Jesus calls Matthew to be His disciple. Jesus explains why His disciples do not fast.

February 10 TLH 156 / LSB 431 Deuteronomy 21 Through Moses the Lord provides laws concerning atonement for unsolved murders, marrying female captives, inheritance rights of the firstborn, and rebellious sons. A man hanged on a tree is cursed.

February 11 TLH 295 / LSB 579 Deuteronomy 22 Through Moses the Lord provides various laws including laws concerning sexual immorality.

February 12 TLH 19 / LSB 819 Deuteronomy 23 Through Moses the Lord provides laws concerning those excluded from the assembly, laws concerning uncleanness in the camp, and various additional laws.

February 13 TLH 292 / LSB 585 Deuteronomy 24 Through Moses the Lord provides laws concerning divorce and various additional laws.

February 14 LSB 792 Deuteronomy 25 Through Moses the Lord provides laws concerning levirate marriage and various additional laws.

February 15 TLH 493 Luke 6 Jesus declares Himself “Lord of the Sabbath,” heals a man with a withered hand, appoints twelve of His disciples to be apostles, heals many, and teaches many things.

February 17 TLH 359 / LSB 873 Luke 7 Jesus heals the servant of a centurion, raises to life the son of a widow of Nain, gives evidence that He is the Messiah, and forgives the sinful woman who has anointed His feet.

February 18 WS 781 / LSB 586 Luke 8 Certain women also follow Jesus and support Him and His disciples. Jesus tells and explains the parable of the sower. Jesus tells the parable of the lamp under a jar. Jesus calms a storm at sea. Jesus drives many demons out of a man. Jesus heals a bleeding woman and raises to life the daughter of Jairus.

February 19 TLH 568 / LSB 785 Deuteronomy 26 Through Moses the Lord provides laws concerning offerings of first-fruits and tithes.

February 20 TLH 613 / LSB 672 Deuteronomy 27 Moses commands the people to build an altar to the Lord on Mount Ebal. The Levites are to pronounce curses on those who are guilty of various iniquities and the people are to respond with their “Amen.”

February 21 TLH 495 Deuteronomy 28 “God threatens to punish all who sin against these commandments. Therefore, we should fear His wrath and not act contrary to these commandments. But He promises grace and every blessing to all who keep these commandments. Therefore, we should also love and trust in Him and gladly do what He commands.” (Luther’s Small Catechism

February 22 TLH 50 / LSB 924 Deuteronomy 29 Through Moses the Lord renews His covenant with His people in the land of Moab.

February 24 TLH 115 Deuteronomy 30 The Lord promises to forgive His people when they repent. The Lord sets before His people the way of life and the way of death.

February 25 TLH 192 / LSB 467 Deuteronomy 31 Moses prepares Joshua to lead the children of Israel after the death of Moses. Moses commands the priests to read the law to the people of Israel every seven years at the Feast of Booths. The Lord commissions Joshua to lead Israel.

February 26 TLH 38 / LSB 794 Deuteronomy 32 The Lord commands Moses to write a song for the people of Israel to learn. The song will serve as a witness for the Lord against them when they turn to false gods and break the covenant of the Lord. The Lord commands Moses to go up Mount Nebo, where he will die.

February 27 TLH 437 / LSB 714 Deuteronomy 33 Tribe by tribe, Moses blesses the people of Israel before his death.

February 28 TLH 9 / LSB 906 Deuteronomy 34 Moses dies. The Lord buries him in an unknown location in Moab. Joshua begins leading the people.

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