“Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:10-11)
The Bible Class attendees were asked which of these statements best describes their level of spiritual confidence: “I think I’m saved,” “I hope I’m saved,” or “I know I’m saved.” When those who selected one of the first two responses explained why, their primary reason was not wanting to seem proud or presumptuous, especially knowing their own sinful natures and spiritual weaknesses. One put it this way, “I trust Jesus; I just don’t trust myself.”
Those who confidently asserted their own spiritual destiny rightly pointed to the cross and empty tomb of their Savior as well as His many precious eternal promises given in His Word, including those which speak of our eternal election in Christ (2 Timothy 1:9; Romans 8:28-30; and Ephesians 1:4-6,11-12).
Before one builds a house, a design plan is carefully drafted. This plan unfolds as construction takes place and the building is ultimately completed. Similarly, God in eternity designed a marvelous salvation plan for lost mankind, As revealed through His Spirit-inspired Scriptures, His plan was prophesied in advance, carried out in time by our God-Man Redeemer, continued through the Gospel at work in hearts and lives, and will ultimately be completed in eternity.
Our election has not occurred randomly nor because of human merit nor even because of our faith, but solely by God’s grace for Christ’s sake. My confidence that I am one of the elect rests upon Christ and His saving work and promises. My great comfort as one of the elect is that God has eternally secured my salvation, that Jesus is both “the Author and Finisher” of my faith (Hebrews 12:2) and that therefore “neither shall anyone snatch [me] out of His hand.” (John 10:28)
The doctrine of election provides a divine reassurance that God’s grace persists and prevails before, during, and after our womb-to-tomb earthly sojourn, including our own “time of grace.” As Peter earlier assured His readers, you are “kept by the power of God through faith for salvation.” (1 Peter 1:4)
Like the Apostle’s dispersed and battle-weary audience of faithful believers, we too face our own external and internal faith-struggles: hostility, worldliness, apathy, selfishness, and so forth—all of which Satan uses to erode both the certainty and ultimately even the reality of our own salvation. And like these ancient brethren, we need the same encouragement to be “even more diligent in making our calling and election sure” (verse ١٠) in our own hearts.
Only by “fixing our eyes on Jesus,” (Hebrews 12:2) by renewing and fortifying our faith through His true and trustworthy Word, only with spiritual eyes and hearts open to seeing the grace and loving hand of God in our lives will we be more confident and appreciative of our own “entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (verse 11)
So, yes, thank God, what a blessing to know I’m saved in Christ! Solo deo gloria!
Our election has not occurred randomly nor because of human merit nor even because of our faith, but solely by God’s grace for Christ’s sake.

is a retired pastor and a member of the CLC Board of Doctrine. He lives in St. Paul Park, Minnesota.