TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006
Date |
Hymns |
Reading |
Comments |
December 2 |
TLH 611 / LSB 508 |
Luke 21 |
A widow gives a most generous offering. Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple, wars, persecution, the destruction of Jerusalem, and His own second coming. Jesus warns us to be prepared. |
December 3 |
TLH 59 / LSB 398 |
Obadiah |
Obadiah condemns the abuses of Edom against fugitive Judeans; Edom will be humbled. He also announcesthat the people of the Lord will be restored. |
December 4 |
TLH 564 |
Malachi 1 |
The Lord has shown love to His people and has provided for them as a Father, but the people have been unfaithful. Malachi condemns the priests for having offered unfaithful sacrifices. |
December 5 |
TLH 626 |
Malachi 2 |
Malachi condemns the priests for having failed to instruct the people in truth. The people are guilty of having married foreign women, guilty of marital unfaithfulness, and guilty of divorce. |
December 6 |
TLH 338 / LSB 687 |
Malachi 3 |
The Lord calls His people to repentance for their unfaithfulness to the required tithes and contributions. The Lord challenges His people to live faithfully and promises to bless them. |
December 7 |
TLH 75 / LSB 354 |
Luke 3 |
John the Baptist prepares the way, “proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. (Luke 3:3) |
December 9 |
TLH 58 / LSB 334 |
Malachi 4 |
Malachi prophesies the coming of the Messiah and the coming of John the Baptist. John baptizes Jesus. Luke records the genealogy of Jesus. |
December 10 |
TLH 493 |
1 Timothy 5 |
Paul gives instructions to guide Christians as they strive to interact with one another in a godly manner. |
December 11 |
TLH 447 / LSB 664 |
1 Timothy 6 |
Paul comments on the importance of sound teaching, commands Christian contentment, encourages Timothy personally, and gives instructions for the wealthy. |
December 12 |
TLH 463 / LSB 677 |
Philemon |
Onesimus is a runaway slave. Paul writes to Philemon, the master of Onesimus, to encourage him to forgive Onesimus and to receive him back as a brother. |
December 13 |
TLH 473 / LSB 644 |
2 Timothy 2 |
Paul compares the perseverance of a faithful Christian teacher to that of a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer. Paul warns against quarrels over words and useless controversies, and encourages Timothy to be a worker approved by God. |
December 14 |
TLH 285 |
2 Timothy 3 |
Paul predicts increasing godlessness in the last days, despite which the Word of God will continue to be profitable and powerful. |
December 16 |
TLH 599 |
2 Timothy 4 |
Paul charges Timothy to preach the Word of God boldly, patiently, and faithfully. Paul closes his letter with personal instructions and final greetings. |
December 17 |
TLH 608 |
Micah 1 |
Micah warns of coming destruction from the Lord. Israel and Judah are to be judged. Micah mourns the sad situation. Assyria will invade. |
December 18 |
TLH 654 |
Micah 2 |
Micah pronounces woe to those who oppress others, but the remnant will receive mercy from the Lord. |
December 19 |
WS 765 /LSB 840 |
Micah 3 |
Micah denounces false prophets. |
December 20 |
TLH 462 / LSB 651 |
Micah 4 |
Micah prophesies that the mountain of the Lord will be exalted and that the Lord will rescue Zion. |
December 21 |
TLH 647 / LSB 361 |
Micah 5 |
A ruler over Israel will be born in Bethlehem. The Lord will deliver a remnant of His people. |
December 23 |
TLH 439 / LSB 852 |
Micah 6 |
The Lord indicts His people. The Lord explains simply what He requires of His people. The Lord threatens the wicked with destruction. |
December 24 |
TLH 428 / LSB 729 |
Micah 7 |
Micah laments. Micah expresses confidence in the salvation of the Lord. The Lord demonstrates forgiveness and mercy. |
December 25 |
TLH 54 / LSB 918 |
Exodus 40 |
By the command of the Lord and under the leadership of Moses, the Israelites erect and anoint the tabernacle. The glory of the Lord fills the tabernacle, indicating the presence of the Lord among His people. |
December 26 |
TLH 224 / LSB 497 |
Isaiah 10 |
The Lord pronounces woes to Israel. The Lord pronounces judgment on arrogant Assyria. The Lord promises that the remnant of Israel will return. |
December 27 |
TLH 62 / LSB 357 |
Isaiah 11 |
In this messianic prophecy, Isaiah refers to Jesus as “a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch.” (Isaiah 11:1) Jesus will reign and all will be well. |
December 28 |
TLH 92 / LSB 386 |
Isaiah 12 |
Isaiah records a brief song of praise to the Lord in response to the salvation that is to be accomplished by Jesus Christ. |
December 30 |
TLH 472 |
2 John |
John encourages “the elect lady and her children” (2 John 1) to walk in truth and in love. |
December 31 |
TLH 640 |
3 John |
John writes to Gaius. Some people support the ministry of the church while others oppose it. |