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“Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for ‘God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.’ Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:5-7)

Throughout Holy Scripture the Lord teaches us many lessons concerning Christian virtues. Two of those virtues that stand out in this portion of 1 Peter are humility and trust.

In the verses surrounding this section, we are reminded of what Christians in that day were confronted with. It tells of them encountering fiery trials and suffering reproach for the name of Christ and of being stalked by the devil.

In many respects, what was true of those Christians is also true of us. We also experience tribulations and afflictions as we come under the chastening hand of God. There are trials in our personal lives, such as health problems, financial woes, and interpersonal relationship difficulties. We are also subject to the feverish efforts of the devil to get us to forsake God.

Whenever we are placed in the pressure cooker of life with all its adverse conditions, there is the temptation to complain about God permitting such woes to descend upon us. Having reservations in our minds about our lot in life, we might be prompted to call into question God’s wisdom and His providential care.

Another side of our human weakness is shown when we fall prey to fears and worries. These negative emotions can become so great that we feel like running away or hiding in a hole.

For times such as these, we are divinely exhorted to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and know that in due time He will lift us up. Additionally, we are to cast all our cares and anxieties upon the Lord and put our trust in Him to help us.

In the Old and New Testament Scriptures, there are two believers who especially exemplified these Christian virtues. They are the patriarch Joseph and the Apostle Paul. In Genesis 37 and 39, we read of Joseph humbly submitting to being sold into slavery and, later, being unjustly thrown into prison. He entrusted all his cares and concerns to God instead of being consumed with fears and worries. In due time, God exalted him by putting him in a position of rulership in Egypt (Genesis 41:17-43).

Joseph sold by his brothers
Joseph sold by his brothers

In the case of the Apostle Paul, he was severely afflicted and oppressed in numerous ways (2 Corinthians 11:16-33) simply for being an ambassador of Christ who proclaimed the Gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus. In the face of all these trials and tribulations, he humbly submitted himself and left them with God, trusting that He would see him through them. And in due time, Paul was delivered from this world and exalted on high in the glorious realm of heaven.

The abiding care and faithfulness of God was clearly demonstrated in His providing for all the Israelites’ necessities during their forty-year wilderness journey. God’s people were completely dependent upon Him for all their daily needs. And never once did He let them down.

May we learn from and remember these important lessons so that in every trial of life we humbly submit ourselves under the mighty hand of God and put all our trust in Him.

Mark Gullerud is retired from the pastoral ministry. He lives in Sunnyvale, California.
