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In this series, thoseinvolved with CLC foreign missions profile one aspect of our overseas endeavors.

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'” (Mark 16:15)

The 2024 CLC Mission Helper Trip took place in July. Seventeen CLC members from nine different states participated in child evangelism efforts in four East African countries. This year’s theme was “Get to Know the Real Jesus.” The Mission Helpers taught four lessons that reveal Jesus as “True God,” “True Man,” “The Savior,” and “A Savior for All People.”

Tanzanian team member Jeff Radichel and school children
Tanzanian team member Jeff Radichel and school children

Tanzania—Missionary Bruce Nauman and his wife Paula, along with leaders of the Tanzania-CLC, hosted a team of four Mission Helpers to Tanzania. They had the opportunity to teach more than a thousand children along with many adults who listened in as they conducted fifteen outreach events at churches, schools, and orphanages. The team taught Bible stories, gave gifts, and led the children in songs in the Swahili language. The Tanzania team consisted of Nicole Hansen, Gary Peters, Jeff Radichel, and Amy Tester. The Mission Helpers also went on a one-day safari to the Ngorongoro Crater National Conservation area, where they were able to see many of God’s amazing African animals.

Kenya/Uganda—Pastor Mike Gurath, along with Sam Radermacher, Kaylee Koenig, Elinor Gbedey, and Catherine Gbedey made up the Mission Helper team that did Child Evangelism in Kenya and Uganda. They were able to teach nearly 1,300 children at twelve different schools and churches. They also had the privilege of spending time with the children at two Kenyan schools in Etago and Moi’s Bridge, which are supported by CLC Kinship. During some free time, the team went on a river cruise to the source of the Nile River in Jinja, Uganda, and did a safari at the Nakuru National Park in Kenya.

Zambia—Pastors Ibrahim and Mwaza of the Zambia-CLC had everything ready to go for the Zambia team. Missionary Todd Ohlmann and Pastor Tom Naumann, along with Fletcher Hughes, Noah Sydow, Ulrika Speckman, and Lauren Gurgel were privileged to teach more than 1,700 children and many adults who also listened in on the lessons. They taught in thirty-five classrooms and churches. The Mission Helpers spent over thirty-five hours on public buses to travel from the Copperbelt province near the DR Congo border in the north to the Livingstone province in the south. The team also had the opportunity to marvel at the beauty of God’s creation at Victoria Falls, a safari at Mosi-ao-Tunya National Park, and a sunset cruise on the Zambezi River.

Zambian team members and a family of rhinoceroses at Mosi-ao-Tunya
Zambian team members and a family of rhinoceroses at Mosi-ao-Tunya

You can see lots of pictures and read first-hand accounts from the Mission Helpers at the trip blog:

Thank the Lord for safe travels, the privilege of sharing the truths of His saving Word, and His promise to bless the spread of the Gospel in East Africa and beyond.

Todd Ohlmann is a full-time visiting missionary for the Church of the Lutheran Confession.
