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Updates from congregations around the Church of the Lutheran Confession

Since our last update in the Lutheran Spokesman, Zion has experienced significant changes. Back then, we were optimistic that our Good Shepherd would bless our endeavors on a newly acquired property south of Loganville, Georgia. This land offered ample space for growth and various activities, even a couple of outbuildings we hoped could be remodeled into a sanctuary. However, we encountered a series of challenges, leading us ultimately to discern that it was not the Lord’s will for us to continue on that property. Consequently, in September 2023, we sold it and acquired a much smaller parcel of land less than a quarter mile away. This property does contain significant room for building a church in the future, should the Lord bless us to that end.

One significant challenge that the Lord Jesus has permitted Zion to face is the loss of members—through transfer, withdrawal, and death. Six years ago, our average attendance at Sunday services was twenty-one, but now it averages seven, although several distant members continue to join us online via streaming and continue to support Zion’s ministry.


While we would love to declare that the members of Zion have remained entirely undaunted by these trials, we acknowledge and confess that our responses have not always been marked by steadfast faith and joy, as is proper for saints. Nevertheless, in our moments of wavering faith, the Lord has remained unwavering in His faithfulness. He has forgiven our sins for Jesus’ sake, continued to grant us access to His means of grace, and provided us with work to do in His kingdom. For His steadfast faithfulness, we lift our heads in gratitude and “press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14)

One of the blessings we are delighted to share with our brothers and sisters throughout the CLC is that Zion has achieved self-sustainability. This achievement came about through a unique set of circumstances, which in hindsight we recognize as a great blessing for our small congregation. The members of Zion are profoundly grateful both to the Lord and to the broader membership of the CLC for the financial assistance extended to us over many years by the CLC Board of Missions.

Since our relocation last year, the Lord has opened several doors for us to proclaim the Gospel. Given our current small group in Loganville, we have set aside for the time being the idea of building or renting a church. Instead, the Lord has guided us to an alternative solution. We now meet in the “chapel” room of a local assisted living facility. This arrangement not only provides us with a gathering place, but also presents a direct opportunity to share the saving Gospel. The residents of the facility frequently join us to hear the preaching of the Word, adding on average another three souls to our attendance. Furthermore, this opportunity extends as we interact with the residents’ families and friends, as well as the facility’s staff.

In addition to this blessing, the Lord has granted us the opportunity to conduct monthly outreach efforts in Cookeville, Tennessee, which began in January of this year. Cookeville is a somewhat central location among members of Zion who live in Tennessee. It was amazing to see how quickly the Lord blessed our desire to begin these monthly efforts, providing us with a room in a local library to hold church services and Bible study, an open dialogue to an AA group in Cookeville, and yet another opportunity to conduct Bible study at an assisted living home. Every month seems to present another joy-filled open door for witnessing the Lord’s mercy and compassion.

Also, starting this August, Zion will collaborate with Holy Trinity of West Columbia, South Carolina in conducting Gospel outreach in the Anderson, South Carolina area. Zion’s pastor will lead weekly worship and Bible study each Sunday afternoon and then remain for an additional day to engage in personal evangelism efforts within the community, working alongside members of Holy Trinity who reside in the area. That group has chosen for its name “Trinity Family Outreach,” borrowing in part from the name of the doctor’s office in which the meetings will take place.

Current meeting place of Zion Lutheran Churchs outreach effort in Cookeville, Tennessee
Current meeting place of Zion Lutheran Churchs outreach effort in Cookeville, Tennessee

In addition to these opportunities, we have also secured significant Sunday morning time slots on a radio channel in the Atlanta area, as well as another in Cookeville, Tennessee, reaching a considerable audience on a weekly basis. We have already received encouraging feedback from listeners who tune in to our weekly program, “What the Bible Says.” You can listen also to an mp3 version by going to our website:

Zion’s ministry is definitely not a typical parish ministry. Indeed, the members of Zion have begun to view Zion’s ministry as a “mission at large,” regularly operating and sharing the good news of salvation in Christ in three different cities across three states. This unique approach brings its own set of challenges, including the substantial costs of travel, but we trust that our Lord is fully capable of either removing these obstacles or providing a way around them. This, after all, is the essence of the Gospel—Jesus removing the obstacle of our sin as far as the east is from the west and providing a way into His kingdom of glory, being “the Way” Himself. (John 14:6) This is the good news we are privileged to share with our fellow man as we have opportunity.

We earnestly ask for your continued prayers on our behalf, just as you have faithfully done for more than two decades. From a human perspective, our efforts should have failed long ago. Yet, by God’s will and grace, we remain as a witness to His salvation. “The Lord is exalted, for he dwells on high; he will fill Zion with justice and righteousness, and he will be the stability of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is Zion’s treasure.” (Isaiah 33:5-6 ESV)

Frank Gantt is pastor of Zion Lutheran Church of Loganville, Georgia.

Frank Gantt