In this series, thoseinvolved with CLC foreign missions profile one aspect of our overseas endeavors.
[Editor: Names of people and places are being withheld because of the growing risk of persecution in India.]
Jesus said to His disciples then and He says to us today, “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14–16)
While Jesus wasn’t referring to the light bulb of a modern-day LCD projector when He spoke these words, this technology is a wonderful gift from the Lord when it is used for His glory! Some of our brothers and sisters in Christ in India are using modern technology to bring the light of the Gospel to many people in a nation that embraces the darkness of superstition and idol worship.

Since 2006, the Berea Evangelical Lutheran Church (BELC) in India has been using the Jesus Film in the Telegu and Tamil languages to share the Good News of our Savior. They dedicate a significant amount of time and effort to this form of outreach, especially during Lent and Easter. This past spring, during the six weeks of Lent and Easter, they brought the Gospel to 120 villages, reaching nearly 2000 men, women, and children with the Good News of our Savior’s perfect life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection. Throughout the rest of the year, they plan to visit two villages a week in four different districts, with the goal of reaching over 400 villages and an estimated 6,000 individuals to show the film and proclaim the Gospel.
The BELC Jesus Film project is led by one of the BELC District Chairmen. BELC pastors and the Martin Luther Bible School (MLBS) students are organized into evangelism teams of six or more. The evangelism teams work to identify towns, villages, and Dalit colonies (slums) where there is no Christian witness. Before scheduling an evening Jesus Film event, the team surveys the village and engages the local leaders. Before and after the film screening, the evangelism team goes house to house to share the Good News of Jesus with each individual and household. As part of their outreach, they distribute the Gospel of John, along with tracts and pamphlets in the local language. They follow up by returning to the same homes as often as necessary to answer questions, share more Bible truths, and encourage those who have been brought to faith in Jesus.
Over the past eighteen years, the BELC has been actively spreading the Gospel through this unique outreach ministry. As a result, thousands of former Hindu idol worshippers have been led by the Holy Spirit to repent of their sins, believe in Jesus as their Savior, and have their sins washed away through Holy Baptism. This, in turn, has led to the establishment of many more BELC congregations and preaching stations in places where there is no other Christian witness!
What a privilege it is to pray for, support, and partner with like-minded believers on the other side of the world to proclaim the truths of His saving Word for the salvation of souls!
is a full-time visiting missionary for the Church of the Lutheran Confession.