Every other month we get an update on what’s been happening recently at our Immanuel Lutheran High School, College and Seminary in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
“In The Pipeline” is the apt title of a Lutheran Spokesman series that profiles those ILC students who are preparing for the public ministry. It applies no less aptly to the past faith and career journeys of our current CLC pastors, teachers, professors and missionaries. Our newest ILC professor is a prime example of that.

In instilling and transmitting the oil of faith through the pipeline of his life, the Holy Spirit used many people to bring God’s Word and Gospel to Matthew Thurow’s heart—his parents Ted and Connie (both of whom served as his elementary day school teachers), his ILC professors, his pastor mentors and his wife of twenty-nine years, Traci. Matt and Traci are blessed with three adult children—Zachary, Olivia and Noah.
Matt’s interest in teaching stemmed from his father’s classroom—especially his dad’s gifts and his humble and caring approach toward his students. Matt’s desire to serve the Lord was further nurtured during his ILC years.
Upon graduation from ILC in 1994, and from Mankato State College (now Minnesota State—Mankato) in 1996 with a BS degree in elementary education and a minor in middle school education and social studies, Matt has served CLC schools at Gethsemane, Spokane, Washington (1996-2001); Grace, Valentine, Nebraska (2001-2003); and Berea, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota (2003-2024).
When asked about “changes” during his teaching career, Matt pointed to “the amount of knowledge and resources now accessible to teachers, the impact of the internet on teaching and learning and the need to adjust teaching methods and styles to the differing needs and attention spans of students.” Yet what hasn’t changed is “the need of precious young souls for the life-giving Word—both the Law and the precious Gospel message of their Savior from sin.” Some of Matt’s fondest memories are of seeing how the Lord has guided and blessed the paths of his former students.

Prior to beginning his first year of teaching, Matt had been mowing the church lawn when he came inside to find his pastor showing a new family around the school. When introduced to Matt, they commented on how nice it was that the 8th graders helped around school so much. Thankfully, Matt’s still–youthful appearance is being supplemented by some professorial “gravitas.”
As Professor Thurow assumes his ILC calling of teaching future teachers, as well as giving instruction in history and social studies, his prayer is “that the Lord would use this earthen vessel to continue to provide the stream of well-trained, theologically-grounded teachers with which He has so richly blessed the CLC. With all the confusion, false messages and lack of hope surrounding us, the need for Christian education is vital. I would urge everyone to reach out and encourage our young people to consider the public ministry as a career path. You never know the impact of a simple word from a trusted friend, mentor or family member. Pray to the Lord to send workers into the harvest.” We are confident that Matt’s own many gifts as well as his humble and caring spirit will truly be a blessing to Immanuel Lutheran College.
is President of Immanuel Lutheran College in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.