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TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments
July 1 TLH 319 Lamentations 4 The punishment that the children of Israel must bear is horrendous in the extreme. The enemies of Israel, who delight in the destruction of Israel, will bear punishment of their own.
July 2 TLH 321 Lamentations 5 On behalf of his people, Jeremiah appeals to the compassion and love of the Lord.
July 3 TLH 347 / LSB 743 Amos 1 Amos prophesies two years before a notable earthquake. Through Amos the Lord pronounces judgment on Damascus, Gaza, Tyre, Edom, and the Ammonites.
July 4 TLH 246 / LSB 507 Ezekiel 1 Ezekiel prophesies while in exile in Babylon. Ezekiel sees four living creatures and the glory of the Lord.
July 5 LSB 836 Ezekiel 2 The Lord sends Ezekiel to prophesy to the people of Israel. The Lord warns Ezekiel that they are a rebellious people and commands him not to be afraid of them.
July 6 LSB 847 Mark 6 Mark records the rejection of Jesus at Nazareth, the sending of the twelve apostles, the execution of John the Baptist, the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus’ walk on water, and the healing of the sick.
July 8 TLH 496 / LSB 826 Ezekiel 3 The Lord commands Ezekiel to eat a scroll before sending him to prophesy to Israel, though Israel will not listen. The Lord charges Ezekiel to warn the wicked. If Ezekiel fails to warn the wicked, he too will be accountable for the destruction of the wicked. If Ezekiel warns the wicked, he will be innocent of the destruction of the wicked.
July 9 TLH 58 / LSB 334 Amos 2 Through Amos the Lord pronounces judgment on Moab, Judah, and Israel. The Lord judges not only the wickedness of the enemies of His people, but also the unfaithfulness of His own people.
July 10 TLH 289 Amos 3 The Lord exposes the guilt of Israel and threatens just punishment.
July 11 TLH 524 / LSB 734 Amos 4 The wickedness of Israel will result in military defeat and exile. The Lord afflicts His people in order to lead them back to Him.
July 12 LSB 788 Amos 6 The Lord warns those who live in luxury with no concern for their spiritual needs. Punishment will come.
July 13 TLH 292 / LSB 585 Amos 7 The Lord shows Amos a vision of locusts, a vision of fire, and a vision of a wall and a plumb line. Amaziah the priest accuses Amos before King Jeroboam.
July 15 LSB 510 Genesis 26 The Lord repeats to Isaac the messianic promises first given to Abraham. Like his father before him, Isaac lies that his wife is his sister. The Lord blesses Isaac with great wealth. Isaac makes a covenant with Abimelech. Esau marries two Hittite women.
July 16 TLH 239 / LSB 905 Genesis 27 Jacob and Rebekah deceive Isaac so that Isaac blesses Jacob instead of Esau. Esau plans to kill Jacob. Rebekah sends Jacob to Haran to stay with her brother, Laban.
July 17 TLH 533 Genesis 28 Isaac directs Jacob to marry one of the daughters of Laban. Esau marries an Ishmaelite woman in an attempt to please his father. Jacob dreams of angels ascending and descending. In the dream, the Lord repeats the messianic promises to Jacob.
July 18 TLH 409 / LSB 685 Jeremiah 21 Jeremiah prophesies that Nebuchadnezzar will conquer Jerusalem. Destruction is coming for the unfaithful who live in false security.
July 19 TLH 613 / LSB 672 Jeremiah 22 The Lord calls His people to faithfulness and righteousness. The Lord will bless their obedience to His Word, but He will punish their disobedience. The Lord warns the sons of King Josiah in particular.
July 20 TLH 491 / LSB 681 Jeremiah 23 The Lord warns the shepherds who have not cared for His people and the prophets who have prophesied lies in His name. At the same time, the Lord promises to send Jesus, the righteous Branch, Who will save His people.
July 22 LSB 417 Jeremiah 24 The Judeans exiled to Babylon who return to the Lord will receive blessing from the Lord and will be returned to their land. The Judeans remaining in Judah, who continue fighting against Babylon and who rely on Egypt for deliverance, will receive judgment and destruction from the Lord.
July 23 TLH 607 Jeremiah 25 After seventy years of captivity for the people of Judah, the Lord will pour His wrath on Babylon.
July 24 TLH 624 Genesis 29 Jacob marries Leah and Rachel, daughters of Laban. Jacob favors Rachel over Leah. The Lord blesses Jacob and Leah with four sons, but Rachel is barren.
July 25 TLH 629 / LSB 867 Genesis 30 Rachel gives her servant Bilhah to Jacob as a wife so that Bilhah may bear children on behalf of Rachel. The Lord blesses Jacob and Bilhah with two sons. Leah gives her servant Zilpah to Jacob as a wife. The Lord blesses Jacob and Zilpah with two sons. The Lord blesses Jacob and Leah with two more sons and a daughter. The Lord blesses Jacob and Rachel with a son. The Lord blesses Jacob with great wealth.
July 26 TLH 643 Genesis 31 Jacob takes his wives, children, flocks, and herds and begins traveling back to Canaan. Jacob makes a covenant with Laban.
July 27 TLH 349 / LSB 683 Ephesians 3 Paul relates to the Ephesians the mystery of the Gospel, which the Lord has revealed to him. Not only Jews, but also Gentiles will receive the Gospel of Christ. Paul prays for the spiritual strengthening of the Ephesians, ending with a doxology.
July 29 TLH 110 / LSB 899 Genesis 32 Jacob is afraid when he hears that Esau is approaching with four hundred men. Jacob prays to the Lord for deliverance. Jacob sends a generous gift to Esau. Jacob wrestles with the Lord, and the Lord changes his name to Israel.
July 30 TLH 464 / LSB 649 Genesis 33 Esau has forgiven Jacob and means him no harm. The brothers are happy to be reunited.
July 31 LSB 764 Genesis 34 Shechem rapes Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, and then asks her father and brothers to give her to him as a wife. Simeon and Levi retaliate by killing all the men of the city and plundering the city.

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