Minnesota Delegate Conference
Grace Lutheran Church, Fridley, Minnesota
June 8th, 10:00 A.M.
- Communion Service
- Prospectus Review and Synod Board Updates
- Business Meeting
—Ross Theneman, Conference Secretary
The 35th Convention of the Church of the Lutheran Confession
June 20-23, 2024
Immanuel Lutheran College, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- Theme: “Make A Joyful Shout to the LORD!” (Psalm 100)
- Essayists: Pastor Wayne Eichstadt, Pastor Drew Naumann
- Chaplain: Pastor Thomas Naumann
- Convention Service Speaker: Pastor Delwyn Maas
- Convention Service Liturgist: Pastor Paul Krause
- Memorial Service Preacher: Pastor Emeritus Vance Fossum
- Reporter: Professor Joseph Lau
- Convention Organ Coordinator: Teacher Lane Fischer
- Convention Technology Coordinator: Professor Ross Roehl
—Pastor Paul Nolting, CLC Moderator
New Preaching Station. Since January of 2022, Prince of Peace, Hecla, South Dakota, has been sponsoring services in Lincoln, Nebraska. Attendance has generally been twelve to twenty CLC members and other contacts from Lincoln, Omaha, Beatrice, Seward, and Grand Island. The group recently celebrated the confirmation of a young lady, Alexis Wood, who completed three years of long-distance instruction (see photo). Beginning this summer, Berea, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, is taking the lead on our Lincoln, Nebraska, CLC preaching station. Pastor Cory Drehle would be pleased to reach out to any contacts you might have to suggest in the area: c_drehle@yahoo.com
—Pastor Timothy Daub