In this series, thoseinvolved with CLC foreign missions profile one aspect of our overseas endeavors.
[Editor: The following is a report about current activities in the Himalayan Church of the Lutheran Confession in Nepal (HCLCN). It is written, in his own words, by the indigenous pastor who is our main contact in Nepal. Names of people and places are being withheld because of the risk of persecution. The report is lightly edited for clarity.]
The HCLCN and the HBI (Himalayan Bible Institute) work together to train and equip pastors and leaders for the harvest. There is a great need for the true Word of God. There is a great need of preachers and teachers, as it says in the Gospel of Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray that Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” There are places in Nepal that are still unreached. The HCLCN and the HBI are working to spread the good news to the most remote areas of Nepal.
There are various kinds of false teachings that are growing and affecting the Christians. There are a number of church bodies and congregations and “Christian denominations” that are working actively in Nepal. There are new liberal teachings emerging among the Christians in Nepal. They are spending an impressive amount of resources and providing attractive incentives and remunerations to the ones that work with them and for them, but they lack the only thing that is needed: truth.
The saving Word is being preached rarely, while “people pleasers” are seen everywhere and are infecting even some churches that were formerly faithful to the true Word of God. It is painful to see some of the dedicated Christians following and promoting false teachings, and little by little sharing and affecting other good Christians.

In order to contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 3) we need to know the truth. As the Apostle John writes in John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
The HBI is dedicated to training and equipping the saints for the harvest, to setting people free from all kinds of bondage of darkness, and to be unwavering in whatever situation and condition.
The expanding of the churches follows the equipping of saints. We help to equip saints but at the same time we need to expand the churches and reach more people with the Gospel. To preach the Gospel confidently we need church buildings or huts that are enclosed and private, since Nepal has anti-conversion laws in effect.

We try to help local churches to grow and become established. We do this through prayer, and by providing resources to build churches. We are always burdened to help build safe places for congregational gatherings.
There are several churches the HCLC helped to build over the years. Currently, there are several more churches that need prayers so that they can complete their work and start using their buildings for the purpose of ministry.
We are sure that the Lord will continue to bless His work in Nepal and beyond.