Updates from congregations around the Church of the Lutheran Confession
There is a delightful picture that is tucked away in an old photo album. It is a picture of the new Berea Lutheran Church building from the 1980’s. There is nothing around the building except a wide-open field and sky. Today, if you get the opportunity to visit us here, you will notice that that is no longer the case. The city of Sioux Falls has grown in leaps and bounds over the years, even in these last three years that I have had the privilege to be here. There are new buildings and housing developments, and the traffic on the road is no doubt heavier than it was over thirty years ago. But there in the middle of it, Berea Lutheran Church is still standing.
This wonderful congregation bears that name with mindfulness. Just as the Bereans “searched the Scriptures daily to find out” whether the things Paul shared aligned with God’s Word (Acts 17:11), so too do the Bereans of Sioux Falls hold fast to the unchanging Word of God in an ever-changing environment.
The Lord has richly blessed our congregation over the years, and still does so today. There are quite a few children at Berea, both in Sunday School and up through high-school aged. The current confirmation class has six students, with three being confirmed this spring and a class of five joining next fall. Throughout the year, these students get to take part in the service through songs or various presentations during VBS or Reformation. Our annual Christmas service packs the church to the brim with family, friends, and members gathered to hear the children’s faithful witness.
As the city of Sioux Falls continues to grow, so does our congregation. Over the last few years, as people have moved here for work or school, we have received several transfers from our sister congregations in the CLC. Most of our members live within a twenty-mile radius, but we also have a number that commute further.
Fellowship gatherings are less annual and more sporadic here at Berea. There are a few events planned through the year, but many come about quickly in less-than-traditional ways. It is truly a joy to see how these pan out. Our Ladies Aid group, called SING (Sisters in the Name of God) is diligent to coordinate schedules so that the members and families of the church can meet for potlucks or other activities. One of our annual parties is held in autumn right before Reformation. Families gather some evening, enjoy a meal, carve pumpkins, and get together around a fire outside the parsonage.
Concerning our numbers, one of the questions that frequently comes up at conferences and conventions is about the possibility of expansion. Berea has been on the lookout for the best option to accommodate a larger crowd. The Building Committee has been meeting to gather information and to work out our specific needs for a new space. Their meticulous work, ever guided by God, continues for the time being. Whatever the future holds and whatever decision is made, we know that God will use it for good and for His purposes.
A typical Sunday includes the service at 10:00 A.M., preceded during the school year by Sunday school and Bible class at 9:00 A.M. We cycle through three of the liturgies found in the Lutheran Hymnal and the Supplement every month. More and more Bible classes have taken place in the parsonage, to allow for slide shows and an occasional round of “Bible Class Jeopardy.” During Advent and Lent, we have evening services on Wednesdays at 7:00 P.M. If you find yourself in Sioux Falls, be sure to head on over. We would love to have you!
As we make our way into a future that is not fully known by us, we give thanks continually to our Savior and King Christ Jesus, Who has assured us of the greatest thing we can expect: an eternity with Him. It is His grace alone that has given us the rich blessings we enjoy. We will continue to put our trust in Him. In thirty years, a picture of Berea Lutheran might look completely different from the old photograph, or the one on the previous page. But whatever the case may be, we take comfort and rejoice that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)