Installation. In accord with our usage and order, Stephen Krause, who was called by Grace Lutheran Church of Valentine, Nebraska, to be a grade school teacher, was installed on July 30, 2023. Also installed on the same Sunday was student teacher Noah Ohlmann. Pastor Paul Krause participated in the service, and Missionary Todd Ohlmann was in attendance. Pictured in the photo above (l to r) are Pastor and Mrs. Todd and Beth Ohlmann, teachers Noah and Stephen, and Pastor and Mrs. Paul and Collette Krause.
—Pastor Paul Nolting.
Nominations for ILC Professor and ILC President. The Board of Regents announces the following nominations to fill the professorship vacated by the impending retirement of Professor Mark Kranz at the end of the 2023-24 academic year: Neil Bernthal, Jeff Karnitz, Joshua Ohlmann, Dan Roehl, Seth Schaller, Steve Sydow, Matthew Thurow, Paul Tiefel III, and Matthew Ude. In addition, the following and only person has been nominated for the office of President of Immanuel Lutheran College: Daniel Schierenbeck. The term of the ILC President’s call is for two years, extending to the end of Academic Year 2026. All comments from members of CLC congregations regarding these candidates are to be received by email or letter no later than midnight January 2, 2024 (letters postmarked December 23, 2023) to: Mr. James Burkhardt; 217 Windy Lane; Rockwall, TX 75087;
email: jeb6217@yahoo.com.
—Pastor John Hein, Chairman, CLC Board of Regents
Upcoming Installation. On the weekend of December 30-31, 2023, Pastor Neal Radichel will be installed as a pastor at Messiah Lutheran, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. On that same weekend we will install Mrs. Kelly Beekman as fifth and sixth grade teacher for the morning, and Mrs. Marcie Schierenbeck for the afternoon, for the remainder of the present school year. Additionally, we will install Pastor Mark Bernthal as Chaplain serving the elderly, shut-ins, and hospitalized of our congregation for 2024.
—Pastor Caleb Schaller
Call for Nominations. Nominations to fill synodical offices can be made by CLC pastors, professors, male teachers, and voting members of CLC congregations any time between January 1 through March 31, 2024. Nomination forms will be available on our clclutheran.org website.
—Pastor Paul D. Nolting, CLC Moderator