In this series, those involved with CLC foreign missions profile one aspect of our overseas endeavors.
[Editor: The following is a report from Pastor Jyothi Benjamin, in his own words, about current activities in the Church of the Lutheran Confession in India (CLCI). The report is lightly edited for clarity.]
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22: 6)
As per Census 2022, the population of children (under eighteen years of age) in India is 480 million. During the hot summer here in India, most of these children spend their time on the streets. The CLCI had a deep concern for the children who spend time on streets, so we started this five-day CLCI annual Vacation Bible School in the year 2001. It has brought many thousands of the children to the Lord. Since that time, the CLCI annual VBS program has been growing steadily and has become very popular among our CLCI Churches here in India.

The CLCI VBS ministry celebrated another successful year. Every year, the CLCI annual VBS touches thousands of lives of children both in urban and rural areas here in South India. Our CLCI annual VBS-2023 was held from June 6-10. Our efforts have been well received by 1,550 children who participated in this five-day VBS. The children present various programs and participate in all the major events of the VBS. During this VBS, the youth choir continued to play an active role in providing inspiring songs and music for the children. The music is one of everyone’s favorite parts of VBS. Children and elders also love to listen and watch the kids sing praises to our Lord.

Our vision is to lead our Indian children to Jesus, to live as His disciples and to cooperate with God by participating in His action in the world. We conduct this CLCI annual VBS for the purpose of providing a systematic and intensive Bible study through fun-filled learning activities for five days. Every year, new biblical themes and songs are written to meet the contemporary needs of the children. Mainly the VBS program functions as an outreach of the CLCI Church to reach out to any child in need of Jesus.
Watching the impact of VBS on children, we made a special VBS syllabus, from beginners to the seniors, and trained our VBS volunteers and teachers accordingly. As usual, our VBS-2023 has activities like a Bible education program, Bible quiz programs, Bible written tests, Bible story-telling competitions, coloring of Biblical pictures, coloring of plaques made by plaster of Paris, and song competitions. The children present all these programs and participate in all the major events of the VBS. Much blessing has followed in the lives of our CLCI children through this annual VBS-2023.

All the kids who participated in the program received VBS certificates along with nice gifts. This type of annual VBS creates opportunities for children between four to eighteen years to receive Jesus as their Savior in a definite and in a personal way. Singing songs, learning English hymns and proverbs, coloring pictures, plays and dramas, acting, music—with all these, children enjoyed it very much. Thus, there was great rejoicing in the CLCI Mission House. VBS finished up with a great cookout, a big meal on the last day.
No VBS is complete without some great games, and our Seminary students created some fun games to play. On the last day children enjoyed playing different sports and some great and fun games. All these VBS programs establish a healthy environment for children to grow mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and socially. It provides a memorable and fruitful time for them during summer, a much-needed beneficial time for children which their parents desperately look for.
Through these children, many new members were also influenced and inspired to rest on the One Who is “Mighty to save.” The Lord’s name was glorified. VBS material like books, charts, coloring pencils like crayons, sketch pens, and picture books were supplied by the beloved members of the respected CLC – USA. “Although my house is not so with God, yet He has made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and secure. For this is all my salvation and all my desire; will He not make it increase?” (2 Samuel 23:5)
All glory, laud, and honor to Him alone! We pray that His blessings may rest upon all the children that have been contacted through our humble and earnest endeavor. God’s grace has been sufficient. We thank Him for enabling us all this while. Please pray that the Lord will use this VBS ministry to bring many Indian children into His kingdom and to call some into full-time Christian service. Your prayer support will build the CLCI children into tomorrow’s leaders, as they will be prepared as God’s witnesses in influencing their families and communities. Glory be to God! May the Lord bless you all. Thank you.

is the Chairman of the CLCI. His home is in Nidubrolu, Andhra Pradesh State, India