Updates from congregations around the Church of the Lutheran Confession
It has been over five years since the “Slice of Life” article about Trinity Lutheran Church appeared in the Lutheran Spokesman in January 2018. At that time, the article about the history of the congregation was written by then-Pastor Richard Kanzenbach. Trinity’s new pastor, Pastor Chad Seybt, is now writing this article. At the writing of the 2018 article, it was reported that Trinity consisted of 28 members. The membership now numbers 13, with an average attendance of 7. Despite the decrease in membership over the past five years, there is reason to be hopeful in our Savior God Who promises “where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)

No longer is Trinity served by various retired pastors, seminary students, and professors; but rather, by God’s grace and help (and only by His help), Pastor Seybt is able to serve the congregation each Sunday. Having the same face in the pulpit from Sunday to Sunday has allowed for some stability and has given the pastor opportunity to speak with visitors after the service. With various opportunities for camping in the Millston area, there are visitors that pop in from time to time during the summer months: mostly CLC members but some non-members as well.

On July 3, 2022, the town of Millston celebrated its 150th anniversary. It was a big occasion, with hundreds of people flocking to the little town of a population less than 150. As a memorial of the celebration, a quilt was made on which Trinity Lutheran Church has its own square—a beautiful picture of the outside of the church building. A few members of Trinity congregation helped to plan and also participated in the activities of that day. One member presented a historical demonstration of moss baling, for which the area is known. Pastor and congregation members alike were able to meet and mingle with many attendees of the special town celebration.
There have also been some email inquiries in the past year, and while they have not yet led to an increase in congregational membership, we are confident that the Word of God shared with those inquiring will not return to Him void but will accomplish what He pleases (Isaiah 55:11).
Of course, the highlight of every year at Trinity is the annual ILC Tour Choir service, in which young people from Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary present God’s Word in song during the regular Sunday service. This service always brings visitors, both member and nonmember alike. The congregation is also looking forward with joyful anticipation to the confirmation of one of its young people later on this year.

“Man looks at the outward appearance.” (1 Samuel 16:7) No doubt, sinful man sees Trinity and focuses on the dwindling numbers, the very few sitting in the large sanctuary on Sunday morning, and the fact that the congregation doesn’t even have an organist but must use a computer tablet with Bluetooth speaker every Sunday. Looking at Trinity’s situation this way might seem discouraging.

Thankfully, “The Lord does not see as man sees.” (1 Samuel 16:7) Every Sunday in Millston there are a faithful few who gather to be comforted by and instructed in the pure teaching of God’s Law and Gospel. You are welcome to join us at 11:00 A.M. on Sunday mornings to have your heart filled with the Word of Him Who died and rose again that we unworthy sinners might be saved.
is pastor of Morning Star Lutheran Church in Fairchild, Trinity Lutheran Church in Millston, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Melrose, and Peace with God Evangelical Lutheran Church in Onalaska; all in Wisconsin.