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TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Verse Reading Comments

Aug 1 TLH 24 Psalm 92 The Lord is victorious over His (and our) enemies.

Aug 2 TLH 47 Proverbs 15:1-9 Wise people guard their tongues, speaking gently for the benefit of others.

Aug 3 TLH 136 Ezekiel 43:1-10 Ezekiel’s vision of the perfect temple reminded the people that God would come among them. This took place when Immanuel (“God with us”) came.

Aug 4 TLH 80 John 1:1-14 Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, came to dwell with us.

Aug 6 TLH 56/LSB 697; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24 As you wait for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, be joyful and live in love!

Aug 7 TLH 28 Psalm 93 The world the Lord has created will remain by His mighty power until He chooses to end it.

Aug 8 TLH 1 Psalm 95 Do not harden your hearts, but come joyfully before the Lord Who cares for you.

Aug 9 TLH 418 Proverbs 16:17-25 Our plans, ways, and ideas should always be submitted to the Lord’s

Aug 10TLH 420Daniel 4:28-37Nebuchadnezzar’s pride and confidence in himself led God to take steps to humble him. We all need humbling from time to time, don’t we?

Aug 11WS 763John 4:7-26Jesus reveals that He is the Messiah and invites the Samaritan woman to drink of the “living water” (the forgiveness of sins).

Aug 13 WS 751/LSB 598; Numbers 3:40-51 The Lord taught the Israelites the concept of redemption by claiming the Levites

and the firstborn of Israel as His own.

Aug 14 WS 740 Psalm 96 What is the “new song”? It is the song that tells how God saves His people.

Aug 15 TLH 87/LSB 792; Psalm 98 The “new song” is the Gospel, the good news of God’s love and faithfulness to us in Christ Jesus who redeemed us.

Aug 16 TLH 412/LSB 695; Proverbs 18:15-19 Here we find some divine advice for dealing with disagreements.

Aug 17WS 762Daniel 9:25-27Daniel prophesies three distinct eras until the final destruction of Jerusalem. Note the references to Jesus’ birth and death.

Aug 18 TLH 519 John 6:16-24 When Jesus is with us, there is no need to be afraid.

Aug 20 TLH 50/LSB 795; Numbers 6:22-27 The triune God blesses you: The Father with His preservation, the Son with His grace, the Spirit with His peace.

Aug 21 TLH 59 1 Chronicles 11:1-9 David is made king just as the Lord had said. He would be the kingly forerunner of the greatest King, Jesus Christ.

Aug 22 TLH 532 Psalm 101 A Christian does well to surround himself with friends who trust and follow the righteous ways of the Lord.

Aug 23 TLH 517 Proverbs 19:18-23 Discipline (godly training) is an important part of our growing in Christian maturity.

Aug 24 TLH 276 Hosea 6:1-6 The Lord laid bare Israel’s sins, but also urged them to turn to Him and be restored.

Aug 25 TLH 132 John 8:12-18 Jesus’ testimony about Himself was backed up by the Heavenly Father, Who also testified on His behalf.

Aug 27TLH 2831 Timothy 4:6-16Not just public ministers, but all of us can devote ourselves to the Scriptures and strive to put our hope in the God of our salvation.

Aug 28 TLH 518 Numbers 9:15-23 The Lord Himself leads His people day by day.

Aug 29 TLH 31 Psalm 103 We praise the Lord for His great mercy and compassion on both our bodies and our souls!

Aug 30 TLH 402 Proverbs 20:17-24 Many are the temptations around us. We ask the Lord to direct our steps.

Aug 31 WS 760 Hosea 11:1-11 God’s love for Israel was most clearly shown in His sending of the Christ to save them from their sins (Matthew 2:13-15).