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Joint Asian Pastoral Conference Nellore, India


In this series, thoseinvolved with CLC foreign missions profile one aspect of our overseas endeavors.

Paul wrote to the young pastor Timothy, “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:2 ESV) This is our guiding principle in working overseas. In every country our focus is on finding and teaching faithful men by establishing seminaries to train pastors and sponsoring continuing education classes for current pastors.

Each year the CLC sponsors the Joint Asian Pastoral Conference (JAPC) in southern India for leaders from the Berea Evangelical Lutheran Church (BELC) in India, the Church of the Lutheran Confession of India (CLCI), the Church of the Lutheran Confession Myanmar (CLCM), the Himalayan Church of the Lutheran Confession – Nepal (HCLCN), and the National Lutheran Church of Myanmar (NLCM).

This year the JAPC was held from February 6-8 in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. 

Eight representatives came from the BELC, six from the CLCI, two from the CLCM, two from the HCLCN, and one from the NLCM. Traveling Missionary Todd Ohlmann, and Pastor Timothy Daub from Hecla, South Dakota, also attended as special guests, along with Missionary Peter Evensen.

Each morning and afternoon session began with a devotion. These were led by Missionary Todd Ohlmann, Pastor Timothy Daub and Missionary Peter Evensen.

Each church body presented reports that shared the blessings and challenges they each face in their ministry. These reports provided encouragement as we see God producing fruit in India, Myanmar and Nepal. They also guide our prayers for one another, as we heard of the difficulties we often face as our old evil foe seeks to stop the spread of the Gospel.

Pastor Charles Edwards (NLCM) presented a paper on How Lutheranism Entered into Burma (Myanmar).

Pastor Jyothi Benjamin (CLCI) presented a paper on Abortion In the Light of God’s Word.

Pastor Timothy Daub presented a paper on A Survey of Lutheran Hermeneutics (hermeneutics being the study of how one interprets the Bible).

Missionary Peter Evensen presented a paper on The Blessings of God, which focused on all the heavenly blessing we have as described in Ephesians 1:3-14.

Missionary Todd Ohlmann presented an overview of the CLC mission work in the United States and around the world. It is truly amazing what God allows us to do with the limited resources we have.

The 2018 JAPC provided an invaluable opportunity to fellowship, share in the Lord’s Supper, and grow in the knowledge of God’s Word. Pray that each attendee be given a renewed zeal to preach and teach the good news that Jesus has taken away the sins of the whole world, and pray that God would continue to produce fruit in our various fields.

Peter Evensen is a fulltime foreign missionary for the CLC. His home is in Chennai, India.