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What’s your IQ?

These brief topics were written to help Christians think about the ways in which they share the Gospel with others.

Here’s a test that measures not your intelligence quotient, but rather your “Invitation Quotient.”
Use this as a guide and encouragement in your willing response to the Gospel.

  1. Since your worship services last Sunday, have you spoken to anyone about Jesus and His forgiveness? (Hebrews 13:15)
  2. Do you think of speaking to members who may have been absent from Sunday worship to express your love and to encourage them? (Hebrews 10:25)
  3. Have you invited a newcomer in the neighborhood to your church anytime within the past four months? The past year? (1 Peter 3:13-16)
  4. Have you encouraged or invited anyone who does not attend Sunday School or church to visit yours with you? (James 5:19,20)
  1. During the past month, have you introduced yourself before or after worship to anyone you did not know, and extended your personal word of greeting and welcome? (Galatians 6:10)
  2. Did you take time last Sunday to greet the people who sit near you in worship? (James 2: 1-4)
  3. Do you pray for the ability to use opportunities God presents to you? (Ephesians 2:10)
  4. Do you pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you in your outreach efforts? (Romans 8:26,27)

What is your Invitation Quotient? May the Spirit who leads our hearts to believe that we are justified in Christ, also move our mouths to confess Him before others as our Savior! (Romans 10:10)