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CLC Announcements

Great Lakes Pastoral Conference • September 30-October 2, 2014 (Tues-Thurs)

Messiah Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, Wisconsin


+ Old Testament: Introduction to Habakkuk and Exegesis of Habakkuk 2:1-4
—Pastor Joel Fleischer

+ New Testament: Introduction to Revelation and Exegesis of Revelation 20:1-6
—Professor Steven Sippert

+ Comparison of the term “Son of Man” as used in the Old and New Testaments,
and what it meant then and now—Pastor Michael Wilke

+ Homiletics Topic (Essayist’s Choice)—Pastor Walter Schaller

+ Evangelism Topic (Essayist’s Choice)—Pastor Neal Radichel

+ Justification as it Relates to Christ’s Resurrection—Pastor Paul Tiefel

+ Hermeneutics Study (part one of a series)—Pastor Michael Eichstadt

+ Church History 1545-1580: Formula of Concord Era—Pastor Mark Bernthal

Chaplain: Pastor Richard Kanzenbach

Communion Service Speaker: Pastor David Pfeiffer

—Pastor David Pfeiffer, Secretary