Great Lakes Pastoral Conference
October 1-3, 2013
Calvary Lutheran Church
Marquette, Michigan
+ New Testament Exegesis: Romans 4:14ff—Pastor Thomas Schuetze
+ Old Testament Exegesis: Essayist’s choice—Pastor Bruce Naumann
+ Homiletical Topic: Essayist’s choice—Pastor Michael Wilke
+ Evangelism Topic: Essayist’s choice—Pastor Richard Kanzenbach
+ What Constitutes Saving Faith?—Pastor Walter Schaller
+ Practical Ways the Pastor can Help Congregational Leaders Fulfill their Roles—Pastor Joel Fleischer
+ How a Pastor Can Balance Family and Church Responsibilities—Pastor Paul Krause
+ Church History: Essayist’s choice—Attending ILC Professor
Conference Chaplain—Pastor David Schaller
Communion Service Speaker—Pastor Neal Radichel