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The One Thing Needful

We are all familiar with St. Luke’s account of Jesus’ visit to the home of sisters Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42). We recall that while Martha used her God-given gifts in the kitchen, Mary sat next to Jesus, listening to His words. With so much to do, Martha saw this as her service to the Lord, while Mary sat on the sidelines.

Often we too find our lives very busy as we use our God-given gifts and abilities in the specific calling in which the Lord has placed us. It makes for a busy life to provide a safe and secure home—paying the bills, putting food on the table, supporting children in their studies and activities, or caring for the elderly.

Such activities are God-pleasing, and with them we are busy serving the Lord. We might say, however, that this is “Martha busy,” which can result in our neglecting the one thing needful. Remember Jesus’ words to Martha, “’…You are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her’.” 

How important was this encouragement from the Lord for Martha! She also secured that one needed thing from Jesus, and it was there when she needed it—for when her brother Lazarus took sick, she knew to turn to the Lord. And when Lazarus died, she was confident that he would rise again on the last day.  “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” (John 11:24).

But let us not forget what Mary learned at Jesus’ feet. She had come to Jesus just shortly before His Passion and anointed His feet with that precious ointment—an anointing made for His death. By faith she comprehended what so many others close to Jesus denied—namely, that it was necessary for Jesus to suffer and die, be buried, and the third day rise again. That saving truth would never be taken away from her.

In our CLC Christian schools a foundation of truth is laid that shall not be taken away from our children! 

Christian Education is the storing up in our hearts of this one thing needful, and that education is so vitally important in our lives and the lives of those we love. For our children’s welfare we will bring them to worship services and Sunday School, enroll them in our congregation’s Christian day school (whenever possible) and, if at all feasible, send them for extended Christian education for high school at Immanuel Lutheran in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, or Mankato, Minnesota, and then also Immanuel Lutheran College in Eau Claire.

In our CLC Christian schools a foundation of truth is laid that shall not be taken away from our children!

Our loved ones need to be armed against the deceitful philosophies of this world. However, the Lord does not endorse doing this in schools of other church bodies. He is against those who mix error with the truth. He is against those who with their fine words deceive the hearts of the simple (Romans 16:17).

This is true for our young people in elementary and high schools, as well as for those pursing higher education. Young people seeking a Christ-centered college education will be especially vulnerable to the flawed instruction in religious schools which are “almost” orthodox [truth-teaching] and/or “almost” faithful to God’s Word.

Dear readers, let us lay a solid foundation with a Christian perspective for life in this world by utilizing our Immanuel Lutheran College. There should be no doubt in our minds or hearts that the Lord endorses and will bless such an education.

Again, when mature adults want further instruction in the Word, may God grant that they seek God’s wisdom from their pastors in Bible classes or in other venues within our Christian fellowship (beware of the attraction of easily accessed radio or web sites from heterodox [false teaching] sources!).

All of us face the same trials and tribulations, temptations, and evils in this world. The Lord knows what we face, and He alone provides the needed blessing which protects the faith of His people. Such blessing is still found exactly where Mary found it—at the feet of Jesus.

May we never be too busy—even if it is “Martha busy”—to take time to sit at the feet of our Lord and receive from Him the one thing that is needful. Amen!