June is subscription month for the Lutheran Spokesman. In that connection the usual appeal went out to CLC pastors nationwide, seeking their help in the promotion of the magazine in their respective congregations.
The latest appeal prompted the following response from one of the pastors regarding “disposal” of the monthly issues.
“’What to do with copies of the Spokesman and Journal of Theology [the CLC’s theological journal] when you are done with them?’ – In a class on personal witnessing, an idea was voiced. Have youth group or auxiliary make a project.
Encourage each other to highlight an article that links your thoughts with someone in need of such. Give the copy to that person with a comment to the effect that it helped you….”
There is little if anything new under the sun. Yet the ideas of “making a project” and “linking your thoughts with someone in need” are innovative as far as letting others know how each of us may have benefited from a particular article or articles.
We appreciated the same pastor’s concluding remark too: “Our Spokesman is a treasure of very well-written articles too good to be left moldering in a literary grave. Read…Ponder…Share.”
So then, in your hands, dear reader, is a Bible-based literary treasure (modest as it may be). God bless your reading…pondering…and then sharing of the magazine with other souls out there who would surely benefit spiritually from its contents.
SUBSCRIBE to the Lutheran Spokesman.
As a “pulpit” of the CLC, the Lutheran Spokesman will immerse readers in the comforting truths of God’s Holy Word!
Any time of the year:
Individually (buy one for a friend): $18.00/year
Send subscriptions to:
Mr. Benno Sydow, Business Manager
2750 Oxford Street North, Roseville, MN 55113
(651) 484-4043 bennosydow@yahoo.com