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New Pastor at Luther Memorial Church

Fond du Lac Installation

Respectfully submitted • Jim Fillmore • Member of Luther Memorial Church

Greetings to my friends in Christ,

It started out like any January Sunday in Wisconsin. It was cold. But it was the first Sunday in the month so that meant that we would share Communion in our morning service. It was January 2, 2011, and we were going to install our new pastor that afternoon.

Fond du Lac
From Left to Right: Pastors Wayne Eichstadt, Paul Krause, Neal Radichel, Michael Schierenbeck, Mark Bernthal, John H. Johannes

We here at Luther Memorial had been looking forward to that day for what seemed like forever. It was here and the Lord had provided a beautiful sunny sky with crisp, cold air, temperature about 4 above.

We all gathered at 3:00 p.m. for the installation of Pastor Neal Radichel. The church was warm and full of members, visitors, and family. The sermon that Vacancy Pastor Michael Schierenbeck shared with us was all about God’s love. His text was from Philippians 1:9-10, with the theme of “Send, O Lord, Thy Holy Spirit.” The main points of the sermon were 1) The best love, full of knowledge and insight; 2) The best decisions based on that love; 3) The best results of your work together—the glorification of God.

There were five pastors in attendance from visiting congregations, and the laying on of hands was also very edifying to all.

After the service we shared conversation along with goodies and coffee or juice. It was a wonderful way to start the New Year! If you are in Fond du Lac, please stop in and visit us.