Read Article – An “Open Door” in Australia
* We thank Pastor Em. Daniel Fleischer, Oakdale, Minn. for this report; Pastor Fleischer, who pastored a number of CLC congregations from 1963-2010 (and served as CLC President 1982-2002), has been a primary liaison for the CLC with Mr. Stiller, as well as with many other contacts over the years.
* Dr. C.F.W. Walther (1811-1887) was a founding father and prominent theologian of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LC-MS) in its confessionally-sound early years; Prof. Egbert Schaller (1904-1971) served in the public ministry beginning in 1926; he severed fellowship with the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod in 1959 for confessional reasons and became one of the founding fathers of the CLC in 1960; Bethany Seminary Dean Norman A. Madson (1886-1962) served as pastor and Professor in the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) beginning in 1925; for confessional reasons he had become a member of the CLC in its fledgling years before the Lord took him home to Himself. Michael Sydow (1941-2009) served the Lord in the CLC pastoral and teaching ministry beginning in 1965. It was in the mid 1980s that Prof. Sydow published a translation of Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.
* Your editor has also had some happy back-and-forths with Mr. Stiller. After providing him with copies of some back issues of the Lutheran Spokesman, as well as our recent book introducing Dean Madson to later generation CLCers, Tim wrote to thank us. Even as he plans to use one or more of Dean Madson’s sermons in the future, he adds: “We wish to convey to you our great joy and thankfulness for sending to us some back issues of the Spokesman. They reveal how the merciful Lord has provided for His faithful in your country and through the CLC elsewhere. For us they have been a source of encouragement for fellowship and involvement in the CLC, yes, even if God wills it, for myself to study and serve Him in the ministry eventually.” – Let our prayers ascend to the throne of God in behalf of this opportunity to share the gospel with like-minded confessors of Christ “on the other side of the world.”
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