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Rev. Kevin McKenney, formerly a clergyman in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, now a member of Messiah in Hales Corners, Wis., has applied for colloquy with the desire to serve in the ministry of the Church of the Lutheran Confession. Correspondence relative to this application should be sent to the president by Easter of 1998.

–Daniel Fleischer, President

Nomination — ILC President

The Board of Regents for Immanuel Lutheran College invites voting members of CLC congregations to nominate an individual or individuals to serve as president of Immanuel Lutheran College. The person called will serve from June 1, 1998 to May 31, 2000.

The person(s) nominated must currently be a member of the ILC faculty. The individual(s) nominated should be qualified to be the chief administrative officer of the school. Please send your nominations, postmarked no later than February 1st, to:

Mr. Tom Beekman

ILC Regents Secretary

8410 Rambil Rd.

Eau Claire, WI 54703

Change Of Address

The Rev. Wayne Eichstadt

37 1/2 Marquette Avenue

North Mankato, MN 56003

Phone (507) 344-0898

The Rev. Warren Fanning

4415 South Desert Dawn Drive

Glen Canyon, AZ 85219-5831

Phone (602) 983-8518

Alberta, Canada Services

The address of Resurrection Ev. Lutheran Church, Horst Gutsche, pastor, is 1102 37th St. S.E., Calgary, Alberta T2A-1E3. Both German (9:30 a.m.) and English (11:00 a.m.) services are conducted on Sundays. See phone numbers for Pastor Gutsche in the table in this issue.

Periodic services are also conducted in Wildwood, Alberta (60 miles west of Edmonton). The contact person here, a member of Resurrection Lutheran, is Dr. John M. Cobb, Box 86, Wildwood, AB T0E 2M0, Canada. Dr. Cobb’s phone is 403-325-2247.

Cover Acknowledgement

We thank Hope Luurtsema, Faith Lutheran Church, Coloma, Mich. whose artistry appears on this month’s cover. Hope explains the meaning of the cover’s symbolism, based on Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost,” as follows:

Notice how the “k” in “seek” reaches up toward the heart to remind us that God the Father loves us so much that He sent His Son to come to earth to die for our sins. Jesus is symbolized by the cross also extending upward from the “k.” After Jesus arose and ascended into heaven, He did not leave us comfortless, but sent the Holy Ghost to keep us in the true faith. He is represented by the dove swooping down from the “s” in “seek.” The Triune God sought us!

” . . . to save that which was lost.” Discover how Christ encircles us with His love. Visualize this with the “v” in “save.” Follow the line of the “e” up to the right, through the hand, down the wrist, and up again to form a heart. We were lost and falling farther away from God when Christ caught us. He saved us the only possible way, when our sins nailed Him to the cross. Through His precious, innocent blood, we are washed clean. “It is finished!” We are saved through faith in Christ. Praise be to God!

May we, out of gratitude, spend our lives in joy, telling others of Christ’s love for them.

The CLC Foundation

To: “inform the members of the CLC of the existence and purpose of the


Which is: “to provide the means for the CLC to administer special

gifts and bequests given by members of the CLC for the Work

of the Kingdom of God,” usually for longer-range rather

than current purposes.

Gifts to the Foundation of cash and other assets convertible to cash, such as financial instruments and real estate, will ordinarily flow into the Foundation Endowment, with principal kept invested, and earnings disbursed annually for CLC purposes and projects as needs determine.

The Foundation was formed to be a potential part of CLC members’ estate planning. Thus, those interested in material reviewing options for giving to the Foundation are urged to ask for “Ways of Giving” from:

CLC Foundation Chairman,

c/o Immanuel Lutheran College,

501 Grover Rd.,

Eau Claire WI 54701

or E-mail:

“Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God.

2 Cor. 9:10,11