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In the October 1995 issue I quoted something from The Vine And The Branches, identifying it as “a publication of ELCA conservatives.” A reader has called to my attention that this is wrong information. The editor of The Vine And The Branches is Dr. David Barnhart. Dr. Barnhart was once a member of the LCA, but never of the ELCA. He is currently a member of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations (AFLC). I am sorry about the misinformation.


In the 1996 Daily Bible Reading Guide, under “January 21, 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany,” the correct reference for the reading in the Gospel of Mark is chapter 1:14-20.

— P. Fleischer, Editor.

Change Of Address

Michael J. Sprengeler 21290 Birch St. Hayward, CA 94541 (510) 886-3252, Residence (510) 581-6637, Office

Keith N. Olmanson Route 1, Box 335C Mankato, MN 56001 (507) 387-2787

Nomination — ILC President

The Board of Regents for Immanuel Lutheran College invites voting members of CLC congregations to nominate an individual or individuals to serve as President of Immanuel Lutheran College. The person called will serve from June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1998. The person nominated must currently be a member of the ILC faculty. The individual(s) nominated should be qualified to be the chief administrative officer of the school. Please send your nominations postmarked no later than February 5th to

Pastor Mike Sydow Board of Regents for ILC N1521 State Rd. 73 Markesan, WI 53946-9565

Great Lakes Pastoral Conference February 6-7, 1996 Redeemer Lutheran Church Sister Lakes, Michigan

The assigned essays are as follows: 1. OT Exegesis, Ecclesiastes 9:1-6 — Pastor James Albrecht 2. NT Exegesis, 2 Cor. 9:1-14 — Pastor David Schmidt 3. A study of contemporary psychotherapeutic counseling in light of

what the Bible teaches about the nature of fallen man — Pastor

John Ude 4. A study of the biblical practice of fasting in view of Luther’s

comment that it is a “fine outward custom” — Pastor John Johannes 5. Book Review — Walther’s “Pastorale” in English — Pastor James

Sandeen 6. The historical background for the use of the terminology “closed”

as opposed to “close” communion — Pastor Paul Tiefel 7. A hymn study — Professor John Reim Conference Speaker — Pastor Mark Gullerud Conference Chaplain — Pastor Robert McDonald

–Pastor David Reim, Conference Secretary

Pacific Coast Pastoral Conference St. Stephen Lutheran Church Mountain View, California February 6-8, 1996

The program is as follows: 1. The Apostolate, Office Unique to the Early Church — Pastor

Michael Eichstadt 2. Word Study: Comparison of Sheol, Gehenna, Hades, Tartarus —

Pastor Peter Reim 3. How Militant Should Soldiers of Christ Be (e.g. Right to Life

etc.)? — Pastor Bruce Naumann 4. Tithing and the New Testament Christian — Arvid Gullerud 5. Honing Homiletic Skills — Pastor Bertram Naumann 6. Carry over assignment — Rollin Reim 7. OT Exegesis, Hosea 3:1ff. — Pastor David Naumann 8. NT Exegesis, 1 Thessalonians 5:1ff. — Pastor Paul Schaller Chaplain — Pastor Michael Sprengeler Conference Speaker — Pastor Paul Naumann

–Submitted by Pastor Bruce Naumann


As authorized by President Fleischer, the Rev. Michael Sprengeler was installed on February 12 as pastor of St. Stephen Lutheran, Hayward, Calif.

— Rollin A. Reim

Nomination Request

The Board of Regents for Immanuel Lutheran College invites voting members of CLC congregations to nominate an individual or individuals to fill the vacancy on the ILC faculty created by the retirement of Prof. Paul Koch. The man nominated should be a seminary-trained individual who is qualified to teach religion (especially New Testament) and English (composition, grammar, and literature) at the high school and college levels. He should also be able to teach languages and a high school course in the humanities (appreciation of all the fine arts).

Those placing nominations are encouraged to include information regarding their nominee’s educational background and teaching experience. They should also indicate how their nominee(s) might help our school in supervising extracurricular activities (music, theater, sports, etc.).

Please send your nominations postmarked by February 5th, to

Mr. Marlin Beekman ILC Board of Regents 3708 Halsey Eau Claire, WI 54701