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Bread of Life Readings: January 2025


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments

January 1 TLH 523 / LSB 756 1 Peter 1 Though we endure suffering in this life, we have joy and hope by faith in Jesus Christ. We are called to live lives of holiness.

January 2 TLH 319 Isaiah 57 Isaiah exposes the futility of the idolatry of Israel. At the same time, Isaiah proclaims comfort for the contrite.

January 3 TLH 39 / LSB 790 Isaiah 58 Isaiah condemns the hypocritical fasting of those who continue to live in wickedness. Isaiah promises blessing to those who fast in faithfulness and sincerity.

January 4 TLH 15 / LSB 816 Isaiah 59 Sin has created a barrier between God and man. The Lord will judge His people in righteousness. The good news is that the Lord will provide a Redeemer.

January 6 TLH 498 Isaiah 60 Israel will be glorified in the coming of the Redeemer, and the Lord will be glorified in the righteousness of His people.

January 7 TLH 204 / LSB 487 Exodus 1 Over three hundred years after Israel and his descendants settle in Egypt, a new king rises to power over Egypt. Afraid of the numerous Hebrews, he afflicts them with heavy labor and commands that every male child of the Hebrews be killed.

January 8 TLH 23 / LSB 822 Exodus 2 Moses is born to Hebrew parents, but his life is spared by a shrewd plan. The daughter of Pharaoh raises Moses as her own child. As an adult, Moses kills an Egyptian for beating a Hebrew. Pharaoh plans to kill Moses, and Moses flees for his life to Midian. Moses marries Zipporah, and they have a son.

January 9 TLH 40 / LSB 798 Exodus 3 The Lord appears to Moses in a burning bush and appoints him to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the land of Canaan.

January 10 TLH 467 / LSB 645 Haggai 1 The Judean exiles have returned home from Babylon and have rebuilt their houses. Through Haggai the Lord commands them to rebuild the temple. The people obey the Lord and rebuild the temple.

January 11 WS 705 / LSB 338 Haggai 2 The glory of the rebuilt temple cannot compare to the former glory of the temple of Solomon. The Lord promises to provide a temple that will be more glorious than that of Solomon.

January 13 TLH 417 / LSB 703 Colossians 1 Paul thanks God for the faith of the Colossians and prays for the Colossians. In the words of a hymn, Paul presents Jesus Christ as Creator and Redeemer. We are reconciled to God through the death of Christ. Paul endures suffering for the sake of proclaiming the Gospel.

January 14 TLH 192 / LSB 467 Colossians 2 Paul encourages the Colossians in the faith that they have received through Baptism. Believers in Christ are free from the ceremonial law of the Old Testament and free from human traditions and commands.

January 15 TLH 540 / LSB 869 Colossians 3 Paul exhorts the Colossians to set their minds on heavenly things, putting away all sin, and living in holiness. Paul gives special instructions to wives, husbands, children, fathers, and slaves.

January 16 TLH 496 / LSB 826 Colossians 4 Paul gives special instructions to masters. Paul gives final instructions for all believers before closing his letter with final greetings.

January 17 TLH 125 Amos 8 The Lord threatens terrible judgment on those who reject Him and live in wickedness.

January 18 TLH 32 / WS 779 Amos 9 The judgment of the Lord will be inescapable. However, the Lord will restore Israel.

January 20 TLH 153 / LSB 451 Habakkuk 1 Habakkuk bemoans the lack of justice in Judah. The Lord reveals His plan for avenging evil. Habakkuk complains again that the Lord appears to be unconcerned while the wicked thrive.

January 21 TLH 4 / LSB 907 Habakkuk 2 Habakkuk awaits a response from the Lord. The Lord answers that He will judge the wicked in His own good time. Woe to the arrogant and woe to the oppressor.

January 22 TLH 572 Habakkuk 3 In the words of a psalm, Habakkuk submits to the Lord and rejoices in the Lord.

January 23 TLH 528 / LSB 724 Exodus 7 Moses and Aaron appear before Pharaoh and command him to allow the people of Israel to leave Egypt. When Pharaoh refuses, Moses strikes the water of the Nile with his staff, and the water of the Nile turns into blood.

January 24 TLH 28 Exodus 8 As Pharaoh continues to refuse to let the people of Israel go, the Lord plagues Egypt with frogs, with gnats, and with flies.

January 25 TLH 74 / LSB 333 Luke 4 The devil tempts Jesus in the wilderness for forty days. Jesus begins His ministry, teaching in the synagogues of Galilee. The people of Nazareth reject Jesus. Jesus drives a demon out of a man and heals many people of various diseases.

January 27 TLH 21 Exodus 9 As Pharaoh continues to refuse to let the people of Israel go, the Lord plagues Egypt with the death of Egyptian livestock, with boils, and with hail.

January 28 LSB 355 Exodus 10 As Pharaoh continues to refuse to let the people of Israel go, the Lord plagues Egypt with locusts and with darkness.

January 29 TLH 296 / LSB 589 Exodus 11 The Lord threatens to kill every firstborn of Egypt. The Lord hardens the heart of Pharaoh, and Pharaoh continues to refuse to release the children of Israel.

January 30 TLH 205 / LSB 478 Exodus 12 The Lord instructs His people to celebrate the Passover. At midnight the Lord strikes down every firstborn of Egypt. The children of Israel leave from Egypt.

January 31 WS 729 / LSB 462 Matthew 12 Jesus proclaims Himself Lord of the Sabbath and heals a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath. Many people follow Jesus, and He heals their diseases. Accused of casting out demons by demonic power, Jesus warns of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Jesus gives the sign of Jonah.