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Lutheran Spokesman

A Six-Step Engagement Plan

Life is full of choices—some of little consequence, and some that can change the entire course of your future. There is perhaps no other decision that has more far-reaching implications than selecting a spouse. Here are some time-tested scriptural principles, as well as practical advice on how to go about making this choice in a way that will bring the Lord’s best blessing.
First, keep in mind what marriage itself is. At its heart, marriage is the unconditional promise between one man and one woman to be husband and wife, faithful to each other so long as they both shall live. In Jesus’ day, “betrothal” was just such a public and unconditional promise, although the man and woman did not live together as husband and wife until after the actual marriage ceremony. That’s why the Bible refers to Mary and Joseph both as being betrothed (Matthew 1:18) and also as being married (Matthew 1:20) prior to their wedding day.Read More »A Six-Step Engagement Plan

WS 791 or LSB 859 “Lord, When You Came as Welcome Guest”

If there is an institution in the world needing our prayers more than the institution of marriage, I can hardly think what it could be. Among the households of my children’s schoolmates, I often feel as if ours is in a distinct minority—a man and a woman married to each other and living in the same house along with their three children—children who have never experienced anything other than that arrangement. Satan attacks marriages every hour of every day, and without the Lord’s gracious intervention they would all fail on account of our sinful behavior.
F. Samuel Janzow (1913-2001) also felt the importance of praying on behalf of marriages when he wrote the hymn we consider this month. Janzow was a professor of English and Theology at Concordia University, Chicago (River Forest), and each poetic verse here asks the great Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, for a particular blessing on married couples.Read More »WS 791 or LSB 859 “Lord, When You Came as Welcome Guest”


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments
Jun 1 TLH 456/LSB 545; James 5:7-16 Patience and prayer go well together.
Jun 3 TLH 156/LSB 530; Acts 15:1-21 Having considered the Word of God, the council recognized that the Gentiles were also saved by grace through faith in Jesus.
Jun 4 TLH 355/(LSB 526) Galatians 1:6-12 The Gospel message is not man-made; it has been revealed to us from God Himself.
Jun 5 TLH 529/LSB 719 Proverbs 16:1-9 Let the Lord have the last word in your life. Let His plans be your plans.
Jun 6 TLH 324/LSB 609 Galatians 2:1-16 You can’t justify yourself before God by doing better at keeping His rules.
Jun 7 TLH 390/LSB 597; Galatians 3:1-14 Beware that you don’t ever substitute the Law for the Gospel as the Galatians were doing.Read More »“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS June 2019