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The Invisible Hand

In the study of economics, I think it was Adam Smith who first coined the term “the invisible hand” to refer to the operation of economic markets in which thousands and thousands of decisions are made daily, buying and selling, supply and demand. The point is that no government or group of people could possibly make these decisions as well as the multitude of individuals can, given their own individual situations. It is as if an invisible hand were at work to advance the business of people.

Of course we know that in the spiritual realm there is THE Invisible, and His hand involves Him in all affairs on this earth and into the next life for us. We celebrate the way His invisible hand works to further the outreach efforts of the CLC. work.

Uganda—Pastor Jeremiah has been working with contacts in Uganda for some years now, and part-time Missionary Michael Gurath continues to visit there periodically.

Zimbabwe—Correspondence with the Board of Missions by an individual in Zimbabwe opened a door for Pastors Ohlmann and Ude to visit that country recently.

Zambia—In the Lusaka area Pastor Ibrahim (see article in the March issue) has been working, coming from Tanzania. In the Kitwe area Pastor Yumba from the Congo CLC has been working.

Kenya—Pastor Gurath worked at Moi’s Bridge to establish a true Lutheran congregation there, supported by the CLC congregation in Phoenix, Arizona.

Peru—The CLC congregation at Mankato, Minnesota, has been working in Lima through its member, Daniel Pfeiffer. Even though that work is currently in hiatus, we pray for further progress.

Sudan—Not long ago work started—also through the Mankato congregation—among the people in this newly-independent country. At the same time Pastor Panpani from Kenya has been traveling up to Juba to work there.

Thailand—We continue to pray that we will be able to resume work here.

Liberia—There has been much news about Ebola in this part of Africa. Grace Lutheran Church in Fridley, Minnesota, has been working with a Liberian, Alvin, to help set up a Christian school there. This is good news. Pastor John Hein of Fridley also conducts classes with Liberians over the internet, and he and I are planning a visit there in the near future.

Sweden—Pastor David Reim currently conducts internet classes with several people in Sweden, and he and I are planning a visit there in the near future.

We could not possibly as
a group plan and carry out
what God’s invisible hand does. 

What a joy to be co-workers with Him! We are but the earthen vessels that carry the treasure to others. The treasure is His to share. He sends us to the recipients. He blesses the reception.

David Koenig has served as a foreign missionary in Africa, India, and elsewhere. Though officially retired, he continues to be active in the synod’s mission endeavors.