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Surveying CLC History

From the 25th Anniversary Booklet (1985)

“Projection” Number Eleven of Twelve


“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10, NIV).

If we give a child a cookie, we expect the child to enjoy it. If, on the other hand, we give the same child a sack full of cookies, we expect it to be shared and passed around.

The greatest gift of all is God’s love for us through Christ. Jesus died on the cross to bring this love to all. Like any other gift given to us, we are to use it. Use God’s love by accepting it and enjoying it. Use God’s love by loving God. Use God’s love so you won’t be lonely or afraid. Rejoice and be glad that God loves you and has paid for all your sins.

But God did not limit His love to just a select few. He gave a whole sack full of love. His love goes far beyond the love which we need. “But where sin increased, grace increased all the more” (Rom. 5:20, NIV). God’s forgiving grace covers more than our sins. It gives hope greater than our fears.

What are we going to do with that great love which Christ has given in overflowing measure?

Peter suggests that “each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” Peter suggests that we are to minister–that is, to serve others–with God’s love. Christ has given us His love beyond our own needs, but that doesn’t mean it is wasted love. He tells us to pass it on to others.

Thanksgiving means thanksliving! Tell others of Christ’s love. Share this love by spending time with the lonely, by cheering up the sad, by giving of your means for mission work.

It is easy to know what to do with a little love, but see if you can use the unlimited love Christ has given to you!

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